Monday, March 25

Encounter God Retreat: A personal experience

I went to Peniel Prayer Mountain for a 2-days retreat (EGR- Encounter God Retreat) last week. It’s actually a long overdue experience since my husband has been convincing me to go there for quite some time but I was only able to leave work last week. 

I went there with our Pastora and another delegate from our church with honestly a few expectations. Don’t get me wrong, I know why people go on retreat and how this journey makes them change their way of living or at least their way of thinking but during that time I really don’t expect much. I went there to fulfill the promise I made with God when I was in a hospital on December for a D&C (raspa) but what I did not expect is how this journey could change my life. 

That 2 days retreat made me reflect on the way I live my life and how I live it wrong. It made me think of my mistakes in the past and the mistakes that I continually commit in the present. It made me reflect on my way of thinking, on my way of saying things. It made me think of my dis-contentedness to all the blessings that God has given me. It made me reflect on how I treat my parents and other love-ones for the matter. I’ve never been emotional and I’m used to hide my feelings so I did not expect that I will be able to open up and share all my deepest emotions. 

I poured everything that’s inside me…I cried a lot. If crying a river is an exaggeration then perhaps I’m exaggerating but I really felt like I cried a river that time. 

I know I’m not perfect and I’m committing mistakes but this retreat really enlightened my mind and open my heart to the wrongness of my way of living.

After the journey I became bolder, more God-fearing, more open-minded, and more reasonable. I was able to figure out all my wrong attitude and  I’m determined to change it if not my whole life and by the grace of God I know I will be able to do just that.
