Friday, September 12

When Panic Attack Strikes

Everyone experiences being stressed out sometimes. Without warning or discernible reasons, the feeling can get very intense, fear sets in and deteriorate into a panic situation. The signs are physical like breathing difficulty, body pains and sensations or mental and psychological like utter terror and unwarranted fear. The situation is exacerbated by the feeling of helplessness. Although the panic attack will pass in a few minutes, the experience is very frightening and it may recur repeatedly. There is also the possibility that the person may suffer from depression or develop phobia and other medical and psychological complications.

That people will experience the symptoms every now and then is normal in the daily course of life so there is really no reason to panic. Only if you are having repeated attack will you need to seek help from professionals and specialists. Remember that only therapists and trained medical personnel can properly recognize and diagnose the disorder.

There are many ways of treating panic disorders, so there should be no fear of being unable to have a normal life. Provided that you have undergone treatment, there should be no permanent and lingering complications. The real immediate treat is phobia which can cause you to avoid similar situations that lead to the attack. If an attack happened while you are jogging at the park, you may avoid the park altogether until the phobia gets real. Should the situation worsen further, then you will have a very difficult time affecting your lifestyle and means of earning a living. The sad part is that you don’t have to have that kind of life.

So, what to do to avoid and cure panic attack? Behavioral therapies and medication or a combination of both are the best means of treating anxiety disorders. Actually, studying and understanding what afflicts them will already help people to cope. It may free them of the fear that they are going insane or having a heart attack, among others. Such fears in fact may trigger a real panic attack.  Once you realize that such fears are unwarranted, you have diffused the threat of an attack from that direction. So the fear is more mental than real.  You are afraid of an attack while jogging and not of jogging itself, meaning that you are not afraid of an attack but what will trigger an attack. Anti-anxiety and antidepressants medications can also cure panic attacks. Heart medications that controls and regulate irregular heartbeats are also known to work effectively in certain cases.

You can therefore do you share in helping yourself to supplement therapies and medical treatments.  There are also support groups and mutual aid movements that you can join whose purpose are to help people who have panic disorder problems.  If you are willing to follow and comply with the treatment program, there should be no reason why you will not be able manage and control your disorder. What you must inculcate in your mind is that treatments for panic attack can take a long time. With forbearance and patience, you can expect results and improvements within a year of regular treatment sessions.

Friday, September 5

Wonder Juice For A Healthy and Disease Free Life

"Just wanted to share this wonder juice recipe that was shared by my boss. It's a detox juice actually and I'm hoping that those who would stumble upon this post will benefit from the recipe."


5 Different Vegetable Juices
(This green vegetable juice lowers blood pressure and beautifies your appearance)
  •  CELERY:  Promote appetite, lower blood pressure, eliminate fat in blood, reduce weight, help with urination, eliminate stone, strong teeth, and normalize digestion system organs (internal organs).
  • CHINESE CUCUMBER (DUA Leo Loai NHo):  Cleans blood, lower blood pressure, stop thirsty, help with urination, ease inflammation, increase metabolism.
  • RED/GREEN BELLPEPPER (Ot My): Cleans liver during infection, cleans the large intestine when it is infected, remove moisture, make strong muscle and bone, remove spots, eases swelling and boil, good for lung.
  • BITTERMELON (Ampalaya):  Ease inflammation, reduce thirst, promote appetite, neutralize poison, eases swelling and boil, ease feeling chillness, nurture the brain, and help keep good spirit & bright eyes. Web:
  • APPLE (Large): Nurture (make strong/healthy) stomach, help keep good spirit, help with digestion, ease muscle pain, ease depression, ease swelling, normalize bowel movement, beautifies skin.

§  Celery (2 big stalks)
§  Chinese Cucumber (peeled ¼ piece)
§  Red/Green Pepper (1/2 remove seeds)
§  Bittermellon (1/4 piece remove seeds)
§  Apple (peeled)

§  Wash and clean
§  Put in Juicer or blender
§  Juice or Blend

§  Drink in the morning before any meal.
§  Do not add anything to make it taste better (This is a medicine, adding anything may dilute its effectiveness.
§  Drink within 15 minutes after preparation. 


-High/Low Blood Pressure            -Dental Disease                    -Muscle Inflammation                      -Lung Disease
-Depression                                         -Obesity                                 -Stomach Ache                                    -Eye Disease
-Diabetes                                              -Constipation                       -Headache                                             -Kidney Infection
-Short Memory                                  -Urination                             -Arthritis                                               -Stones
-Cancer (all/any)                                -Insomnia                             -Sweating too much                           -Skin Disease
-Liver Problem                                   -Gallbladder Problem       -Hemorrhoids

Thursday, September 4

Relationship Tips: How to Spot a Cheating Partner

It could be your gut feeling telling you of something wrong or it could be a rumor that keeps pestering you. In any way, the nagging feeling that you have might not all your imagination. Below are some ways on how to decipher if your gut feeling is true or just like that…a gut.

1. Unusual exercise routine of your partner
If your partner is constantly at the gym or he suddenly found reason to keep in shape then either he’s just really a health buff or something weird is going on. Is gym included in his usual routine before (with or without you in tow?) It might be nothing but it might also mean something fishy is going on. He might found gym as an excuse to do his extracurricular activities or well…meet someone along the way.

2. Jumping into the shower right after his late night at the “office”
Either he’s a neat freak, really feeling the heat of the night or he wants to get rid of any tell-tale sign of his infidelity. Did he jump into the shower without even dropping a kiss or a hi? Is it an unusual habit for him? Did he insist to smell bad even if you think he did not even sweat a little?

3. He’s unusually attentive and oddly interested in your activities right after shower
What? He went into the shower without saying hi and goes back to you as a changed man? I don’t think it’s normal. His unusual attentiveness might be a way to hide his guilt or escape suspicions.

4. At parties, you are introduced as a friend.
If your man can’t introduce you as his special someone then either he has another “someone” or planning to woe someone. Faithful men are proud of their women, so there is no reason to hide your relationship unless you’re a minor.

5. Checking in with you frequently
Does he want to assure you of his whereabouts or he wants to be assured that you’re not following him. If he’s calling you every hour to ask where you are or tell where he is and he sounds weird then it might be time to raise the red flag. He may not be where he said he is.

6. A changed bedroom habit
This is self-explanatory. If he suddenly found different excuses not to have s*x with you then you might want to ask yourself why. Same thing when he suddenly has the urge to do it often.

Cuba: A marvelous destination for your next vacation

"Valle de ViƱales 2" by Alfre0411 - Own work. Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons -

Aside from trailblazing, visitors access to systematized routes packed with educational and cultural activities and achieve a new understanding of the country and its challenges is certainly a good reason to spend a holiday in Cuba.

Cuba is situated in between Bahamas and Jamaica and identified as the largest Caribbean island. Cuba is characterized by huge mountains that cover more than one-third of the total land area. Remaining portion of the island is made up of flat plain lands. There are 200 bays and 289 beaches in Cuba. Cuba is also known by its large bodies of water and most of the rivers of Cuba are shallow.

There are lots of things to do in Cuba, the tour to the cobble-stoned street of Old Havana is unquestionably the most historically interesting and protected district in the Caribbean.

Visitor may listen to jazz at legendary La Zorra y el Cuervo; it is the city's premier jazz venue. The Afro-Cuban hook makes the unique tunes. Unlike most of Havana's music venues, the sound will make you snap your fingers and shake your head like no other bands. Shows are held every night, and the 10-cuc cover two cocktails.

You may also view artwork from Caribbean and Latin artists at the Havana Biennial Art Exhibition; it principally aims at promoting the Third World contemporary art. The biennial is considered as a significant forum for understated voices, and Latin American and Caribbean artists still have priority even though artists from all over the world are authorized to submit their works.
