Saturday, June 30

The landslide brought me down.....

I'm talking about the song "LANDSLIDE"

I always love this song, heavy and full of emotion but it always moves me. i love the lyrics and the message you can grasp in the middle of the melody. i really don't care who sang it but this particular singer did justice to it far better than the 2 version i previously heard.

i feel a chilling sadness whenever i hear this song. bold and plain that it almost makes me weep.

now in this state of uncertainty and distress in my life i can relate better.


I took my love, I took it down
Climbed a mountain and I turned around
I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills
till the landslide brought me down

Oh, mirror in the sky
What is love
Can the child within my heart rise above
Can I sail thru the changing ocean tides
Can I handle the seasons of my life

Well, Ive been afraid of changing
cause Ive built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Children get older
I'm getting older too

Oh, take my love, take it down
Climb a mountain and turn around
If you see my reflection in the snow covered hills
Well the landslide will bring it down

If you see my reflection in the snow covered hills
Well maybe the landslide will bring it down

Monday, June 25

How to deal with Infidelity

Infidelity, is a very sensitive issue, many families are being broken because of this cheating problem. Dealing with infidelity was never easy though; a cheating partner is often discreet with his activities and very sensitive in suspicions coming from the other half. They usually clean any trace of their dirty activities before leaving the scene.

On the other hand the cheated partner is often poignant and emotionally unstable; suspecting that your partner might be cheating you and finding it was true is like discovering a bomb ready to blast straight on your face. Finding the truth maybe hard, but the possibility can't be denied, if you suspect your partner is having a "malicious activities" unknown to you, then its time to uncover the truth.Suspicions are just suspicions unless proven with evidence. If you want to find out the truth, then you need to play your cards.

First use your intuition, your instinct can show you the signs that he is cheating. You can do that by discretely smelling his coat for a trace of perfume unfamiliar to you or for a lipstick mark on the collar of his polo shirt.

Search his belongings; being his partner, you were familiar to all his things and where he uses it. If you found anything new and suspicious like a spare mobile phone which you never know existed or a credit card bill from a famous ladies apparel which he never gave to you, then you can start investigating from then.

Once you gather enough evidence, a harder challenge begins and that is whether or not to bring the topic up. Dealing with him could jeopardize your relationship more and you might probably thinking about your kids. Indeed, if confronting him is your next step, then you need to plan carefully how to do it.

Find a place that is both safe and discrete from the public's eyes and most importantly away from your children. Confront him on his least expected moment and do it calmly. Oftentimes a man reveals his emotions when caught surprised. This is the best time to observe any indication of regret from what he did. Show him all your evidences and look him straight in the eye.

Dealing with unfaithfulness was never easy; your whole world will certainly crumble and your spirit will surely collapse. Needless to say you might regret your effort in finding out the truth, but reality remains: your partner is having an affair with someone else. If the confrontation ends up with the two of you apart take it with dignity and keep your rationality intact.

Saturday, June 23

Mylot is still at the top of my paying list

myLot is a whole new way of spending your leisure time on the web and earnings from it. It's like a blogging site where you can post any discussions from any topics under the sun and comment or response to a previously posted discussion by other members in the community.

With myLot, making money is easy, every post you made counts. Staring a discussion is easier too, you can choose from wide variety of topics already made by other members or create your discussion under a topic you want to add.

Users can also get the chance to express themselves with its profile portal. Photo sharing is a cool tool too. You can build your community by inviting other users to be your friend.

Blogging is another addictive myLot feature. If you own a blog, you can submit it on myLot so it will be included on its portal. With that you can get more readers and earn more income from your blog too!

Of course a good incentive awaits when you invite your friends to become a myLot member too, invite them and you can earn 25% from their whole myLot participation earnings.

myLot is a great site and it pays monthly every 15th if you reach the minimum at the end of the month.

I already receive numerous payments from these site directly to my moneybooker and later to my paypal account and now just got my May payment that was sent on June 15.

Wednesday, June 20

Tips on How to Prevent or Minimize Acne

Everybody knows acne – it’s the worst enemy of all adolescents and young adults. The red zit on the cheek or on the nose makes everyone miserable and creates low self esteem.

Sebum is oil produced by our hormones which causes the skin to clog and results to the formation of pimples or acne especially during puberty where our hormones are very active.

It’s a good thing that there are some ways on how to minimize if not totally get rid of these ugly zits.

How to Deal With Acne

Below are some tips you could use to save your face and helps boost your self esteem.

  • There are many soaps in the market nowadays that are designed for oily skin – those that contains benzoyl peroxide and sulfur are good - buy one which you think is effective then wash your face with it two times a day to help the oil glands refrain from producing too much sebum.
  • Tie your hair or just keep it out of your face to avoid adding dirt to your face.
  •  Never pop your pimples, I know almost everyone does it including me but popping them could aggravate their condition because of the bacteria that could infect them. If you want your pimples to appear small or hidden for the big date then try consulting a practiced dermatologist.
  • If you fancy makeup, make sure that their ingredients are hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic and oil free to avoid further infection.
  • Use a sun block that is also water based and oil-free when you were going out.
  • Never sleep with make-up on, always remove them afterwards. Allowing your face to sleep with make-up could infect the skin and make the pores intoxicated with chemicals from make-ups.
  • Use a toner to get rid of the remaining oil on your pores. There are many commercialized cleansers and toners made especially for acne prone skin.
  • Eat healthy, avoid fatty foods as these also triggers the formation of acne, eat a balanced diet to help your cell regenerate and drink lots of fluid – water and fresh fruit juices – as they get rid of the toxins in your system.

A clear, well moisturized skin is great and can uplift our spirit so let us do our best to maintain it. Nobody dreams of being born with oily skin but proper treatment, right nutrients and a professional could help us control our overly active oil glands and achieve a youthful, acne free glow.

Sunday, June 17

Quick workout tips during the holiday
Holiday is drawing nearer, the atmosphere is getting more special and the wind blows cooler and cooler everyday particularly at night, this makes waking up at early hours the hardest thing to carry out. The lazy cool breeze of December makes everyone think of cozying and curling in bed at late hours.

Holiday is also a season of sharing and giving, and what else is more joyful to give and share than the sumptuous foods and appetizing sweets. Those great tasting and savory recipes prepared by every household are part of what we yearn for during this festivity, but as much as we satisfy our cravings we should also be aware of its consequences –the excess pounds we can gain from these luscious sugar-laden foods we indulge.

People might think of spoiling their regular figure maintenance and just indulge on the holiday fun. Of course, who would like to ruin this joyful season, flabby abs and additional inch in the waist are the trend for the season anyway. But worry no more, there’s still a hope for everyone. The season can still be enjoyed with our body in good physique.

The key to a successful and worry free holiday indulgence is to incorporate physical fitness with you. There’s no need to skip the luscious meals, enjoy it but keep your cool and eat moderately. Enjoy the food - fats and sugar are still in the food pyramid right?

To remove the calories away you need to do the hand job. Clean the party mess, it could make you burn the fats brought by the luscious foods.

Exercise should form part of your routine; the holiday climate is not a reason to skip it. Although being advised, the workout should not necessarily be done everyday if your schedule forbids you. Doing it twice or three times in a week would make great difference than none at all. Perform the basic stretching, do the domestic job – practice home economics and run the errand; this would melt the stagnant fats in you.

Walk when looking for gift ideas; this could help you burn calories as well. Roaming around the mall, shopping for your holiday essentials and waiting in lines will do great in your body.

Gardening, scrubbing and decorating your house for the season could be a best option too. That way you could incorporate Christmas preparation and workout with minimal time and effort.

Exercises on the go

The hustle and bustle of contemporary living should not get in the way of achieving sound physique. Nobody gets the perfect shape without the effort; a hectic load is not a reason to miss out your workout and neither busy nature of work should hinder your fitness schedule. A small amount of time should be invested to reap the utmost benefit of healthy and shapely figure.

That’s why in this fast evolving world where everyone go in a swift to and fro there are activities that could form part of everyone’s much needed workout even outside the comfort of their home or gym.

The most basic yet effective workout for working person is to have plentiful of walking. Walking from home to the jeepney stop instead of bringing the car would give you not only gasoline savings but moreover, few calories taken away from the body. Walk when you ought to go nearby. When going to the second floor, opting for stairways rather than elevators would also provides the much needed workout you failed to have for the day. Walk – it’s the cheapest and most effectual to get rid of the fatty toxins in the body.

Jogging gives supreme benefit as well, few minutes of jogging could burn twice the calories burned when walking. Wake up an hour in advance then stray around the village for minutes. It’s the best replacement for gym workout at no cost. Biking or strolling at the park with your pals is also pleasurable to do for the weekend.

If you were keen for outdoor life then its best to allocate few hours of your week day for great fun. Outdoor activities such as Ballroom dancing, swimming, snorkeling and playing sports would best fit in your lifestyle. Dancing is a joyful activity; ballet, ballroom and belly dancing are the best. Everyone would enjoy performing the steps unnoticing the marvel it did to the dancer’s body. As the music beat ascend, the body would heat up and accelerate to the beat making you loose ample calorie amount and gain graceful and well-formed physique.

Rock or mountain climbing as well as hiking are also cool workout for extreme sports aficionado. These form great exercise pleasure for everyone.

For moderate sports enthusiasts, tennis, badminton, volleyball or basketball and the like would make great fun and enjoyment, as games not only makes the mind alert but furthermore, it makes the player’s physical appearance improved. Playing for few hours could help you achieve huge physical and social benefits.

Starting Your New Year Fitness Plans

Let’s face it, New Year resolutions are easy to break. People pledge thousand times of what they wish to achieve for the next year only to break that promise then pledge for the next year again. New Year wont end, its just a phase so many thought that the promises they made for the coming year if failed to accomplish could be recycled for another year. It could be, nobody would forbid you, but will you be satisfied? Would it be just to make and break your sacred New Year pledges thinking it could be done the other year?

Frustrating, isn’t it? If we cant accomplish our goal for the coming year. The reason why starting New Year wishes this early should be implemented. Don’t wait for January to start your New Year resolutions, it could be too late then, start today, it’s the most reasonable thing to do if you want to succeed on your New Year goal. Plan today and never break it, be noble, pledge for your goal and keep it.

If for instance you want to loose excess pounds by next year then today is the best time to start working it out. Set few minutes for your workout everyday. It’s guaranteed that you’ll reach your aim before the New Year comes.

Plan your action, make a checklist and mark your aim beginning point in your calendar to avoid delay actions. You could also use this to track the progress you’re making. Measure your weight before your activities then track the progress weekly.

Focus is another thing; goals can easily be attained if there’s focus on every action.

Remember next to face reality. What you want to achieve should be realistic, if not then you’re absolutely traveling to failure. Set your dream weight, but know your limit. Be specific and don’t aim for impossible, remember that magic is just for kids. If you feel it’s hard to loose 30 pounds before New Year them aspire for the half and work hard for it, you might exceed your prospect before you know it and that would be marvelous thinking you pass with flying colors.

Lastly, you have to spread the news, let your love ones know your goals and connive with them to push you in to success. Ask them to be your fallback whenever you feel lazy. If possible convince them to join you, if would be a whole lot-a fun if all of you are aiming towards the same goal.
