Sunday, June 17

Starting Your New Year Fitness Plans

Let’s face it, New Year resolutions are easy to break. People pledge thousand times of what they wish to achieve for the next year only to break that promise then pledge for the next year again. New Year wont end, its just a phase so many thought that the promises they made for the coming year if failed to accomplish could be recycled for another year. It could be, nobody would forbid you, but will you be satisfied? Would it be just to make and break your sacred New Year pledges thinking it could be done the other year?

Frustrating, isn’t it? If we cant accomplish our goal for the coming year. The reason why starting New Year wishes this early should be implemented. Don’t wait for January to start your New Year resolutions, it could be too late then, start today, it’s the most reasonable thing to do if you want to succeed on your New Year goal. Plan today and never break it, be noble, pledge for your goal and keep it.

If for instance you want to loose excess pounds by next year then today is the best time to start working it out. Set few minutes for your workout everyday. It’s guaranteed that you’ll reach your aim before the New Year comes.

Plan your action, make a checklist and mark your aim beginning point in your calendar to avoid delay actions. You could also use this to track the progress you’re making. Measure your weight before your activities then track the progress weekly.

Focus is another thing; goals can easily be attained if there’s focus on every action.

Remember next to face reality. What you want to achieve should be realistic, if not then you’re absolutely traveling to failure. Set your dream weight, but know your limit. Be specific and don’t aim for impossible, remember that magic is just for kids. If you feel it’s hard to loose 30 pounds before New Year them aspire for the half and work hard for it, you might exceed your prospect before you know it and that would be marvelous thinking you pass with flying colors.

Lastly, you have to spread the news, let your love ones know your goals and connive with them to push you in to success. Ask them to be your fallback whenever you feel lazy. If possible convince them to join you, if would be a whole lot-a fun if all of you are aiming towards the same goal.

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